Introducing the New 2020-2021 Program Coordinators

The recruitment and hiring period for the 2020-2021 PBSC-UVic Program Coordinator positions has come to an end. We are pleased to announce that PBSC-UVic has two amazing new Program Coordinators, Lisa Harris and Laura Bullock:

Lisa will be taking on the role of Summer and School-Year Program Coordinator starting in May 2019. Lisa has her BSc and MSc from the University of Guelph in Aquatic Ecology where she studied the carbon uptake of aquatic plants. She has worked for the Ministry of Natural Resources and is passionate about volunteering on environmental projects including fieldwork on wood thrush and endangered freshwater mussels. Lisa currently volunteers with PBSC and the Canadian Environmental Law Association and is dedicated to access to justice and work in the public interest sector. She values trauma informed practice and works to create accessible spaces.

She recently worked in program design and management in the rock climbing industry and is a passionate educator. She has won a teaching assistance award for her work designing class experiments with bumble bees.

In her spare time she loves to get outside and hike, camp, and rock climb. She is an avid artist and can often be found reading a sweet book in the park. She is so excited to work with the amazing team at PBSC!

If you’re a community organization interested in a project for the 2020-2021 academic year, please contact Lisa in May via e-mail:

Laura Bullock will be the PBSC School-Year Program Coordinator for the 2020-2021 academic year. Laura is from Halifax, Nova Scotia, and completed her BA (Hon) in English at Acadia University. Before coming to UVic Law, Laura shared her passions for the natural world and environmental justice with children, youth, and families by working for a variety of earth education organizations across Nova Scotia. During her undergraduate degree, Laura promoted student wellness and success in her capacities as a Residence Assistant and Writing Centre Tutor and volunteered for four years with youth affected by cognitive disabilities. In her spare time, Laura enjoys reading, spending time outdoors, and petting strangers’ dogs. Laura volunteered for the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre through PBSC in her 1L year and is so excited to become further involved with PBSC-UVic! Laura’s upcoming role with PBSC will involve recruiting and supporting student volunteers, communicating with community organizations and lawyer supervisors, and planning events.

The current coordinators will be in the office until April 1, 2020. At that time, the office will be closed for the month until the new Summer and School-Year Coordinator takes over in May. We are so happy to have Lisa and Laura on the team; best of luck to you both!