Contact Us

We've Moved!

Come find us on the second floor of the Law Library in Room 296. 

Office Hours (Spring 2023):  Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30 

Get in Touch

Mailing Address

UVic Pro Bono
Faculty of Law
University of Victoria
PO Box 2400 STN CSC

Victoria, BC, V8W 3H7 


Pro Bono Students Canada does not provide legal advice. PBSC Students work in partnership with community organizations. We do not provide direct legal advice or representation.

If you require legal advice or representation, please see our list of recommended contacts below. 

Legal Assistance

The Law Centre

A service of the University of Victoria, Faculty of Law.  It provides advice, assistance and representation to clients who cannot afford a lawyer.  Free legal representation is for those who are qualified for legal assistance.

Legal Services Society

The British Columbia Legal Aid organization.  To qualify for legal assistance a household must qualify as having a low net monthly income.

Legal Information

The People’s Law School

A non-profit society that provides public legal education and information in BC.


Provides general information on a variety of law topics in English, French, Chinese and Punjabi.

Family Services of Greater Victoria

An organization that provides counselling, information and legal support to families.

AdviceScene Canada

A website that provides free legal information answers as well as a lawyer directory.

Government Resources

Residential Tenancy Branch

Contact for issues with residential tenancy and landlords. 

Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia

Provides guardianship and trust management services for children and youth, assistance to adults needing support with financial decision-making, as well as providing estate and personal trust services.

Office of the Ombudsperson

Investigates complaints about the fairness of government and public agencies.

BC Crown Publications

An online catalogue of BC Crown Publications pertaining to a variety of legal areas.

Advocacy Organizations

MS Society of Canada – Volunteer Legal Advocacy Program

An advocacy program that provides legal information and advice to those affected by multiple sclerosis.

BC Human Rights Clinic

Informational and advocacy non-profit organization that seeks to promote human rights and provides free representation to complainants with cases before the BC Human Rights Tribunal.

Seniors First BC

A non-profit organization that provides legal information, education and advocacy services to seniors. 

Disability Alliance BC

An organization that advocates for individuals living with disabilities by providing services, community partnerships, advocacy, research and publications.