Mid-Semester Update!

With the semester in full swing and many projects underway, we thought it would be a good time to reflect on the successes of the term so far. We’d like to extend a big thanks to everyone who participated to make this year one of the most successful years we’ve had.

Social Media and Door Prizes

We kicked-off our year with a social media door prize initiative. We saw a big increase in our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter followers and had over 160 entries to our door prize draw. This was fantastic because it gave us the chance to start spreading awareness of our new placements and projects for the 2018/2019 year. Thank you to all the local businesses that kindly donated gift cards for this cause!

Volunteer Information Session

At out volunteer information session we had a 70 attendees – almost double the numbers from last year! We were excited to see the room packed with our new 1Ls as well as familiar 2L and 3L faces, all eager to learn about how they can be a part of the PBSC volunteer squad.

Launch Event

Our launch event was one of our biggest events of the year. We were so fortunate to have Maria Shepherd, an exoneree and board member from Innocence Canada share her experiences and as well as insights about access to justice issues and wrongful convictions. We were thrilled to see the room packed with 110 students, which knocked our last year’s launch event out of the park.

Applications and Placements

This year we had a record of 110 applicants, with 59 placements between 25 organizations. Congratulations to all who received a placement! If you weren’t able to secure a position this year, we highly encourage you apply with us again next year.

Anti-Oppression Training Sessions

We’d also like to thank all the students who attended our Anti-Oppression training earlier this semester. All students whose projects required that they take the training attended plus more. We are so pleased that our students took this rare and exciting opportunity to learn invaluable skills to take with them into their careers. A big thanks to Moussa Magassa, the Human Rights Educator who ran the session and fostered interactive participation and learning. The Anti-Oppression training was new to PBSC this year to help our students with their projects and we are very happy with the results. We have started to receive some constructive feedback from some of our volunteers and would love to hear from others so we can continue to improve this new event for future years. Please drop us an email at: pbsc.uvic@gmail.com

Law Foundation of BC Site Visit

We were pleased to host our main funder the Law Foundation of BC at the beginning of October for their annual site visit. The LFBC provided us with excellent feedback and support, and we would like to pass their commendations on to our volunteers who make this program the success that it is!

Thanks again to everyone who has put in such hard work this year towards their access to justice and community projects. Let’s all continue to fight the good fight.


**PBSC Uvic would like to acknowledge the unceded territories of the Lekwungen (Chekonein, Chilcowitch, Swengwhung, Kosampsom, Whyomilth, Teechamitsa, Kakyaakan, Songhees, Esquimalt) and W̱SÁNEĆ (SȾÁUTW/Tsawout, W̱JOȽEȽP/Tsartlip, BOḰEĆEN/Pauquachin, WSIḴEM/Tseycum) Peoples upon whose land we work and live and whose ties to the land remain to this day.

2018-2019 Projects are HERE!!!

2018-2019 PBSC-UVic Project List is here! We’ve been working hard to diversify and expand our project offerings to provide an opportunity for everyone to get involved in a way that suits their interests. This year we are partnering with some new organizations including the MS Society of Canada, the West Coast Prison Justice Society, and Breakwater Law, and welcoming back partner organizations such as RAVEN Trust, Ready to Rent BC, PEERS Victoria, and West Coast Environmental Law.

What You Need to Know About Volunteering:
Volunteers make a commitment to work on their projects for 3-5 hrs/week during the school year. December and April are break months, giving you a chance to focus on exams. To provide guidance and support, all projects are supervised by the Program Coordinators, the organization, and the assigned lawyer supervisor. We also try to make a Research Assistant available to all students. We want to produce high-quality projects and ask students for a high degree of communication, organization, and professionalism. To achieve this and to help you get started, there is mandatory training for all volunteers on the following dates:

  • General Volunteer Training Session will be hosted on Wednesday, September 26 from 12-1:20 pm in Rm. 158
  • WestlawNext will also be hosting a special legal research and writing session and lunch on Wednesday, October 17 from 12:-1:20 pm in Rm. 158. 

If there is any conflict with you attending these training dates, please contact us.

A Note on Anti-Oppression Training: 
We’re offering a new and exciting training session this year focused around anti-oppressive practices. As students and future lawyers interacting with a wide array of individuals and groups, it is an important part of our professional training to engage with them sensitively and appropriately. The projects that are geared towards providing access to justice for marginalized groups through client assistance and public legal education require participation in our Anti-Oppression Training Session on Wednesday, October 10 from 12-1:20 pm in Rm. 158. Even if you haven’t applied for one of these projects, we strongly encourage all our volunteers to attend. You’ve heard the phrase ‘Check Your Privilege’ plenty of times before, now it’s time to actually begin learning how to do that!

Interested in Applying?
Student applications are open!  Please submit your completed Student Application Form, resume, and optional cover letter to pbsc.uvic@gmail.com or the marked drop-box.

Note: Here is a word version of the Student Application Form PBSC (1).

1Ls – We can’t wait to meet you on Orientation Day, September 4th! We will be opening up applications to you then and we also encourage you to attend our General Volunteer Information Session on Wednesday, September 12 from 12:00-1:00pm in Rm. 158. Did we mention there will be pizza?

All applications can be submitted by e-mail to: pbsc.uvic@gmail.com or to the marked drop-box, and are due by Monday, September 17 @ 4 p.m.

Don’t hesitate to e-mail us with any questions or drop-by our office in Rm. 138 just off the main lobby.