Project Spotlight: ID Access for the Homeless and Marginally Housed

PBSC UVic is proud to be partnering with the Constituency Office of Carole James, MLA and members of the Downtown Service Providers Committee of Victoria (including the Together Against Poverty Society, the Greater Victoria Public Library, Our Place Society, and the Victoria Cool Aid Society), to continue offering an ID Clinic in the upcoming year!

Possessing photo identification is a necessity of modern day life. However, getting and keeping identification documents is a big challenge for many who are homeless or marginally housed. Although losing identification documents is only an inconvenience for some, for others this loss can mean being denied access to vital services. Without official identification, individuals cannot access many community services and programs. This barrier can create a domino effect that makes it increasingly difficult to address the conditions that lead to homelessness.

To respond to this need, the ID Clinic was launched in October 2017 to help people in Victoria get their basic identification for free. The clinic was hosted twice a month, alternating locations between the Greater Victoria Public Library and Our Place Society. This summer it has been able to continue on a monthly basis, due to the dedication of our student volunteers and partner organizations. We will be returning to our twice-monthly schedule in the fall; clinic dates will be launched later this summer.

If you or someone you know could benefit from this service, please call the Constituency Office of Carole James, MLA at Ph: (250) 952-4211 for more information.

Interested in volunteering for this project next year? We will be taking three highly motivated student volunteers to work on the project for the 2018-2019 academic year. Volunteers must be able to commit to weekly 2-5 hour shifts on Fridays. This is a great opportunity to gain experience in client assistance!

Information about the application process will be posted in August. All applications are processed through the PBSC Office located in the Law Faculty building.



Recognizing Rights: Aboriginal Justice in Canada

PBSC-UVic is proud to be an ongoing partner of RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs), a Canadian non-profit charitable organization that raises legal defense funds to help Indigenous groups seek social and environmental justice. Currently RAVEN is actively supporting the causes of the Beaver Lake Cree, the Tsilhqot’in Nation, and Skeena First Nations – we encourage you to check out their website and learn more about these cases at:

RAVEN is also engaged in promoting public education about Indigenous rights and legal traditions. Our PBSC volunteers are helping with this initiative by providing research support and contributing to public legal education materials. Through this collaborative effort, RAVEN has created an amazing plain language primer outlining the key areas of Indigenous law in Canada, which is a must read for everyone.

Beautiful images. Amazing content. Check it out right here! : Recognizing Rights: Aboriginal Justice in Canada